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Vacation Rest

Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash

Last week I covered the stress associated with vacations, today I’ll cover ways to make it restful.  The first suggestion is to avoid overextending yourselves which is a common mistake that couples make.  I’ve done it myself a time or two.  When we travel to a new or exciting destination we want to see it all, but neglect the needed downtime.  It is also important to communicate and negotiate the game plan and expectations with your partner ahead of time.  Some of us are not good with surprises or unexpected changes.  And let’s face it, being around family and/or friends over an extended period of time can be stressful, no matter how much you love them.  Be sure to have time away as a couple or family without extended family and give them some time away from you.  When conflicts arise seek closure and resolution quickly by taking personal responsibility and being able to forgive. It helps to try to keep your routine of exercise, sleep, diet, and moderation.  We tend to overindulge on vacation and regret our choices when we return to reality.  If possible, avoid work and other outside distractions while away, which includes checking emails, returning texts/phone calls, and touching base with your office.  I have a difficult time with this one and have to remind myself that everyone will do fine without me.  As I mentioned last week, vacations are a time to rejuvenate, revitalize and restore your energy level and emotional well-being.  Focus on growing your relationships, exploring new adventures, and experiencing excitement with people you love.    Take action and make this year memorable.

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