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Marriage: Endangered Institution

The Associated Press reported that four in ten Americans said that marriage was becoming obsolete.  In fact nearly one in three American children live with a parent who is divorced, separated or never married.  What is responsible for the changing American family?  For starters, people have a broadening view of family and are more accepting of same-sex partners or unmarried couples with children co-habitating.  Family seems to have a different meaning today.  Although I work with couples everyday that are struggling with their marriages, I still believe in the value and power of marriage.  Married couples are healthier and live longer.  The Census Bureau study confirmed that 67 percent of Americans were upbeat about the future of marriage and family.  Marriage is a relationship of commitment, connection, and compromise.  We grow through marriage and figure out what aspects of ourselves need changing.  Our marital relationship can be the most challenging and the most rewarding relationship we will ever have.  Marriage takes work.  Like most things in life, the more time, effort and energy you invest, the more you get out.  For Thanksgiving this year, be grateful for your marriage or do something positive to change it.  Let your partner know what you like about them and decide to make your marriage a top priority.  Remember the only one you can change is you and there’s no telling the impact that may have on others.  Keep the institution of marriage vibrant by making your marriage the best it can be.

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