Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
The Pew Research Center recently reported that women are on the rise in terms of both education and earning potential. They found that in nearly a third of marriages the wife is better educated and in 22% of couples the wife is the primary breadwinner up from 7 percent in 1970. An interesting statistic and positive result in marriages. New York Times columnist Tara Parker-Pope wrote that the shift in roles had a positive effect on marital stability and contributed to lower divorce rates. Why do you think that is? Maybe women are selecting their mates more carefully and choosing people who align better with their needs. Working women also have greater negotiating power with their increased financial independence. In my practice, I find that dual income households are effective when both parties are clear on their roles and responsibilities. The problem arises when your partner writes your job description and you write his. The key is open, direct, and honest communication about expectations and responsibilities. Men are contributing more to housework and child care, but women still assume the bulk of these tasks. The bottom line is that couples need to define their roles, be flexible to changes in either work status or children, and work together as a team. A team works towards the same goal and doesn’t keep score about who is doing more. Decide to work together; you’ll get a lot more accomplished and experience more joy in life.