Photo by Paul Bence on Unsplash
Last week we talked about the downfall of successful people. This week our focus is on having power, but successfully managing it. Do you know people who abuse their power? In an article written by John Lehrer in The Wall Street Journal, he discusses the paradox of power and describes how when people rise to a position of power their behaviors can turn negative and destructive. How can powerful people stay grounded and prevent a fall? For starters, maintain an attitude of humility and remember your roots while climbing to the top. Surround yourself with solid and healthy people and seek an accountability person that can help keep you centered. Emotionally and spiritually healthy individuals are better able to handle the stress of being at the top. Treating everyone with respect regardless of their status and position also helps with humility. Making a decision to give back to others through time, talent or money can be help avoid a self-centered focus. It is also helpful to diversify your life and achieve balance with relationships and activities. Balance breeds success. And remember to be transparent, honest, and connected to people. Lastly, nurture your faith and connection to a power greater than you. A life of significance comes from successful relationships not from power over people.