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Emotional Maturity Breeds Success

Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

Last week’s blog focused on powerful and smart people making life damaging choices, specifically Anthony Weiner.  Many of my patients who are high-achievers are intellectually overdeveloped and emotionally underdeveloped. In other words, they are immature, impulsive, selfish, insensitive, and clueless.  Do you recognize anyone who fits this profile?  Many of the patients in my practice fit this profile and often times the fallout is overwhelming for the spouse and family.  The good news is that healing can and does occur and marriages can be saved.  There is no doubt that significant effort, commitment and a desire to change is required to overcome the magnitude of destruction. Restoring trust, intimacy, and  connection starts with taking personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings.  Recognizing the misuse of power and control that we all are vulnerable to and incorporating an accountability system to help keep you centered and humble helps with power management.  For many, power is addictive and arises from a void or conflict that remains unresolved.  It can be very helpful to explore the origin of your power addiction.  It is important to have a game plan and strategies to manage stress, conflict, and learn healthy and appropriate ways to meets your needs.  Lastly, learn how to grow in your emotional intelligence (EQ), express emotion more openly, and  be more aware, sensitive, and understanding of others’ emotions.  There is a previous blog on emotional intelligence you might read.  Change your approach to relationships and life before you self-destruct, start today.

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